What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness practice connects you to the present moment which is the only time anyone ever has to perceive, learn, grow or change. When we practice present moment awareness we become attentive to and aware of thoughts, emotions and sensations in the body, which allows for more choice and ultimately freedom. Mindfulness can be practiced as a formal meditation, seated or lying down or you can practice mindfulness informally, as you walk, drive, eat and are engaged in your daily life.
When we practice mindfulness we are given the opportunity to adopt a curious attitude toward our relationship to stress, pain, and illness, as well as learning how to notice and open to moments of joy, happiness and love. Practicing mindfulness in our daily life can help us reconnect with our sense of wholeness, and interconnection with everything around us. This sense of spaciousness can help us respond to life rather than reacting automatically.
Learning How to Practice Mindfulness Can Help You:
Reduce stress
Reduce irritability, anxiety and depression
Improve your relationships
Develop resilience and inner strength
Cultivate compassion for self and others
Increase grey matter in the brain as well as increase blood flow to the brain (positive changes in memory capacity, aging, and problem solving)
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): 8 Week Program
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was founded 30 years ago at the University of Massachusetts Medical School by Jon Kabat Zinn, and is the gold standard for learning mindfulness meditation. MBSR is taught worldwide, and is the best researched mindfulness program there is.
Research has shown that in 8 weeks this practice can change the brain, increasing thickness in the frontal and prefrontal cortex, which in turn supports memory function and attention as well as emotional resilience and self awareness. Consistent, daily practice of mindfulness has also shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as decreasing stress levels and issues related to chronic pain.
MBSR is an 8 week program, participants meet for 2 and a half hours once a week with a full day retreat (7 hours) in the middle. People who take the program commit to 45 min of home practice a day.
If you are interested in learning more about the MBSR program or would like to learn more about how mindfulness can help you, please click the link below!
Benefits Of Regular Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness involves the cultivation of present moment awareness. This cultivation can be compared to cultivating a garden. A healthy garden grows when certain qualities of patience, curiosity, and allowing are present. With gentle effort and care the gardens we cultivate eventually bring forth nourishment and gifts. Mindfulness practice supports this cultivation of healing and growth.
Increases Self Compassion
Mindfulness offers a way of relating to ourselves with patience and understanding rather than harsh self-judgement. With our mindfulness practice we learn how to observe painful thoughts and feelings, which allows us to “be” with them, as they are. One of the foundational aspects of mindfulness is allowing, which supports the healthy development of curiosity and openness to what is. The curiosity that is generated from mindfulness plants the seeds for greater kindness and compassion to develop.
Helps To Alleviate Symptoms of Anxiety
Regular mindfulness practice has been linked to greater feelings of well-being which alleviates worry and anxious thinking. Studies have shown that mindfulness reduces habitual negative mind states created by depression, anxiety, stress, rumination, thought suppression, perfectionism and shame. Mindfulness therefore increases positive mind states that include, life satisfaction, happiness, connectedness, self-confidence, curiosity and gratitude.
As cited from (Zessin, Dickhauser & Garbadee, 2015).
Improves Memory and Cognitive Function
Mindfulness practice has been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus which is the part of the brain that is associated with memory capacity.
Cited from Dr. Mark Sherman, M.D
Studies show that a regular mindfulness meditation practice can increase grey matter density in areas of the brain associated with learning, self awareness, emotional intelligence, interoception, and compassion. (Lazar, 2005; Britta Holzel, 2011).
Cited from Dr. Mark Sherman, M.D
Mindfulness and MBSR
Learn more about my MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) 8 week program. If you’re interested in learning how mindfulness can benefit you, fill out the form below and we’ll book a complimentary 20 minute assessment session.
I offer a free 20 minute consultation over the phone to new clients who are interested in counselling.
60 min session - $130
Insurance Coverage
Many extended medical programs will cover a portion of your visit to an RSW (Registered Social Worker). My registration number is #14073 I am not able to bill directly, but I will always provide you with a receipt after each session showing your payment.
Office Location
In person counselling is available on Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons at my office on Cedar Hill rd and Finlayson.
Online counselling is available via secure encrypted platform.
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